Perseverance. Success Tool

''I watch a stoneware hitting his rock maybe a hundred times without a crack being seen in it. However, in a later first blow it will be divided in two, and I will know that it was not that blow that did it, but everything that had happened before"

Last week he made reference to the adventure of the first kneepads Banbroken,(if you haven't read itI'll leave you here) This week, I do, with the last ones we have released.

The 7mm knee pads from Banbroken, Which are influenced by this mindset. (So much so that in the packaging we quote the phrase of Jacob Riis).

I would like to start by expressing the direct or indirect pressure that we suffer towards the many objectives in society. You will be tired of seeing how we are bombarded with miraculous remedies to save yourself the arduous middle way to achieve a final result.

DWe wish to see results as soon as possible. Either in weekly increases in weight lifting, continuous increases at work or in whatever else we propose. It may be in our nature to look for those signs. However, we can learn something from the stonewall.

When a stonecutter tackles his next task, splitting a giant stone in two, he starts hammering. Hit by blow, line up each hit with meticulous precision. Hit 10 hits and there is no visible change in the stone. Hit 50 strokes and there are still no visible changes. There are no cracks, dents or any indication of... Nothing. He hits 100 hits and the same. But the 101st coup arrives, it is divided in two.

Through the 100 actions, there was no indication or external signal that this was working. But beneath the surface, invisible to view, the stone split with every passing blow. It was not something different from the final blow... It was the culmination of the 101 hits, which achieved the goal. Impossible without a single one of them.

The real change takes place from the inside out. And like the stonecutter, we have two options: expend emotional energy worrying if we are making progress, or have full faith in the process, dedicating every ounce of attention we have in the next hit.

In this way, worry as we have said in the previous weeks in what you can control, continue on the right path, without pause and without haste; you will chase and break your rock. 👍

Good week and # super strength.

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Knee Pads 7mm Pro Wl Knee Pads 7mm Pro V



Select between our two 7mm PRO knee pads. Whatever your choice you will win.

7mm PRO-V 7mm PRO-WL